Colorful Shawl (Sjal i Farver) by Helene Skov

Colorful Shawl (Sjal i Farver)

July 2024
yarn held together
+ Lace
= Light Fingering ?
22 stitches and 50 rows = 4 inches
in Garter stitch (retstrikket (ret-riller))
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1094 - 1203 yards (1000 - 1100 m)
One size
Danish English
This pattern is available for kr.60.00 DKK
buy it now or visit pattern website

length from tip to tip - 90,5 inches (230 cm)
width in the middle - 15 inches (38 cm)
Approx. 400 g yarn

How to
72 triangles make up the center piece of the shawl. They are knitted first - one at a time and in extension of each other, and together they form several hexagons next to each other - no sewing. The stitches are then picked/knitted up on the left side, and wide stripes are knitted - and along the way stitches are decreased - so that the tip appears.
Then stitches are picked up on the right side and the narrow stripes are knitted. Finally, an iCord border is knitted around the center piece and the right side of the shawl.
The shawl will also be fine with a “tone in tone” color combination, and possibly with only 5-8 different colors. There are many color combination options and the pattern is perfect for a “waste yarn project”.

Happy knitting - no matter what you knit :)
Best regards

længde fra spids til spids - 230 cm
bredde midt på - 38 cm
ca. 400 g garn i alt

Midterstykket består af 72 trekanter. De strikkes først - én ad gangen og i forlængelse af hinanden, så de tilsammen
danner flere sekskanter ved siden af hinanden - ingen sammensyninger. Herefter samles/strikkes masker op på venstre side, og der strikkes brede striber.
Derefter samles masker op på højre side og de smalle striber strikkes.
Til sidst strikkes en iCord kant omkring midterstykket og højre side af sjalet.

Sjalet vil også blive fint med en “tone i tone” farvekombination, og evt med kun 5-8 forskellige farver. Farvekombinationsmulighederne er mange og modellen er oplagt til et “resteprojekt”.

Go’ strikkelyst - uanset hvad du strikker:)
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