
January 2024
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
960 - 1680 yards (878 - 1536 m)
(36, 40, 44) [48, 52, 56, 60] {64, 68, 72}" / (91.5, 101.5, 112) [122, 132, 142, 152.5] {162.5, 172.5, 183} cm
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Conus is a sideways sweater that takes full advantage of the bright and cheerful colorways of Bozzolo.

Cardigan is worked in two pieces from sleeve cuff to center back. Pieces are joined at center back using 3-needle bind-off. Lower ribbing is then picked up and worked down followed by the collar.

Bust (closed): (36, 40, 44) 48, 52, 56, 60 {64, 68, 72}“ / (91.5, 101.5, 112) 122, 132, 142, 152.5 {162.5, 172.5, 183} cm
Length: (16, 16, 16½) 16½, 17¼, 17¼, 17¾ {17¾, 18½, 18½}” / (40.5, 40.5, 42) 42, 44, 44, 45 {45, 47, 47} cm
Shown in size 40” / 101.5 cm.
Recommended ease: Approximately 2–4” / 5–10 cm positive ease.

BERROCO BOZZOLO (100 grs): (4, 4, 4) 5, 5, 5, 6 {6, 7, 7} balls #10835 Monarch

32” / 80 cm circular needles, sizes 4 / 3.5 mm and 7 / 4.5 mm or size to obtain gauge
Spare knitting needle, size 7 / 4.5 mm for 3-needle bind-off
Waste yarn to hold stitches

20 sts and 26 rows = 4” / 10 cm in St st using larger needle