Cotton wool Summer hat "Ronja" by Kirti Asperk

Cotton wool Summer hat "Ronja"

May 2017
Sport (12 wpi) ?
24 stitches = 4 inches
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
One size
This pattern is available from for $4.15.

Knitted Cottonwool Summer Hat “Ronja” PATTERN in English. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions.

A knitted cottonwool hat for hot and sunny summer days. Perfect for casual outings as well as formal events and parties.
The hat is hand knitted and personally designed. Add a touch of blue sky into your outfit.


  • 5 knitting needles (2.5mm, US 1.5)
  • approximately 100g of light blue (or any colour) cotton wool yarn
  • circular needle (2.5mm, US 1.5)
  • 2 knitting needles (4mm, US 6)
  • regular sewing needles for finishing
  • a stand or bowl for the shaping

(k) - knit stitch
(p) - purl stitch
(Sl) - slip edge stitch
(yo) - yarn over
(k2tog) - knit two together
(k3tog) - knit three together
(ssk) - knit two together (slants left)
(knit x times) - knit between * x times

All patterns and photos are the property of The North Charm Design. Distribution of patterns and photos is strictly prohibited.

North Charm Design Copyright 2017

North Charm Design Copyright 2017