Creek Bed Socks by Amanda Delahoy

Creek Bed Socks

August 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
US 1 - 2.25 mm
328 - 437 yards (300 - 400 m)
Between 18-25.5cm ball of foot, custom length

Knit from the top down, the Creek Bed Socks feature a flap and gusset heel, and cabled top. Inspired by the weaving river beds, and creek beds that make up my local landscape, these socks are made to be slightly-above ankle length.

1 pair of 2.25mm needles, either DPN’s or 80cm circular (or size to get gauge)
1 cable needle
1 100g (400m) sock yarn will suffice for most sizes

Choose a size with 2.5cm negative ease at the ball of the foot. E.g. if your ball of the foot measurement is 23cm, choose a size closest to 20.5cm.
Size 1 — 18cm
Size 2 — 20.5cm
Size 3 — 23cm
Size 4 — 25.5cm

Although test knitted, there is always room for error! If you are in doubt about any aspect of the design, please don’t hesitate to contact me.