Crochet Finger Protector by Rebecca Sarna-Alexander

Crochet Finger Protector

Aran (8 wpi) ?
4 stitches and 4 rows = 1 inch
in sc
4.0 mm (G)
8 - 10 yards (7 - 9 m)
to fit
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is more like instructions than a pattern, do not expect to be told exaclty how many stitches or rows to make, instead i have given what i hope are detailed instructions on how to make a properly fitting finger guard. As such the gauge is unimportant and i gave my gauge so you can compare. This is a scrap project. I wouldn’t recommend using less than worsted yarn, maybe at a push you’ll get away with DK, as you want that extra hardiness and protection if you crochet particulalry tightly, also thinner yarns might nip our finger at the base if you make it too tight there.

I’ve tested it crocheting with sock, dk and aran and it is fine, you need to keep your finger more tense than you normally would but it’s not hard or painful. I placed the working yarn over one of the ridges between the rows so it slides nicely.