Crocheted Rosary Bracelet by Moira Durano-Abesmo

Crocheted Rosary Bracelet

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Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

The beads of this dainty rosary bracelet are made of 3-dc clusters anchored on a loose chain. Since rosaries are must-haves for Catholics (like me), they’re excellent gifts for the devout ones. But this bracelet is so pretty even non-Catholics will love it! (At a college reunion, I brought a bunch of them and gave it to my college classmates. The non-Catholics took them even after they realized it was a rosary bracelet. It’s that adorable.) My rosary bracelet is made of transparent plarn crocheted with sewing thread for color. However, the WIP(work-in-progress) pictures are done in crochet cotton since its difficult to photograph transparent plarn. I hope you like it!