Crossroads Shrug by Martina Supova

Crossroads Shrug

May 2024
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Lace
= Fingering (14 wpi) ?
4.5 mm
3171 - 3281 yards (2900 - 3000 m)
English Slovak
Free Pattern also available for free: info in notes
This pattern is available for €3.00 EUR
A free version is also available.
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Jednoduchý a veľmi efektný vzor, obľúbený už z projektov šatiek a diek, ktoré som vytvorila v minulosti, vhodný na rôzne druhy materiálov.

A simple and very effective pattern, already popular from the scarf and blanket projects I created in the past, suitable for different types of materials.