Crystal Dreams by Connie Davis

Crystal Dreams

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 7 - 4.5 mm
400 - 450 yards (366 - 411 m)
60 x 22"
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

Crystal Dreams is a triangular shaped shawl designed is for our youngest sister. She had a great deal of difficulty conceiving & finally went with invitro fertilization. Invitro babies are known as snowflakes, her daughter is such a joyful snowflake. We were so glad she made the journey into our sister’s heart & life. I wanted the edging of the shawl to be like ice crystals or snowflakes, pretty & unique. This design is especially for her & for all those special snowflakes, whose parents chose life.

Supply list:
400 yards fingering/sock weight yarn
US sz 7 circular needle
Tapestry needle

(As with any of my shawls you can go with heavier or lighter weight yarn by adjusting needle size & the quantity of yarn you will need.)

Thank you for choosing this pattern & in sharing in our story. It is one that I am sure many have been blessed by & can relate to. Please feel free to share some of your stories too, snowflakes are special children; but then all children are so very special. ;0)

Please link up a make project page & post photos, I would love to see your Crystal Dreams too.

The most important thing is to HAVE FUN!!