Cthuhlu Action Figure by NineInchNinja

Cthuhlu Action Figure

September 2017
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This was inspired by “Elder on the Shelf” by fellow Raveler Sarah Howard.(http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/elder-on-the-shelf)
Her pattern is knit, and since my knitting skills are not up to this outstanding level of awesomeness, I wanted to convert it to crochet.

These are my notes from construction. I didn’t take photos while working, which I kind of regret now. The notes aren’t tested, so use at your own risk. I winged it, so I’m sure there are easier/more efficient ways to do it. Feel free to ask me questions if you want. My creature came to about 7.5” tall. For the wings, I used a pattern from the book “Creepy Crawly Crochet” by Megan Kreiner (Cthuhlu pattern), which is a phenomenal book. If you enjoy making amigurumi, her construction and details are amazing. Highly recommend this book.

As with any amigurumi, gauge, yarn weight, and hook aren’t that important because you aren’t aiming for a particular size. Just use the hook that works with the yarn you’ve chosen. I tend to use a 4mm with worsted weight because it makes nice, tight stitches that the stuffing won’t show through.