Danish Row House bag by Corduroykidd

Danish Row House bag

September 2023
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.25 mm (G)
164 - 273 yards (150 - 250 m)
This pattern is available for $2.99 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

I just love the look of Scandinavian row houses all dressed up in their bright colours. It was just asking to be turned into something. So I designed this bag. It’s pretty easy, it’s all in single crochet and the colour work is a good first try since it’s mostly all squares.

This is a digital PATTERN, you will receive a PDF file in your email.

•4.25mm crochet hook
•Red worsted weight yarn (colour A) dark blue ww yarn (colour B) and white ww yarn (colour C)
•A tapestry needle

Ch — Chain
St/s — Stitch/es
Sc — Single Crochet
Inc — Increase
Slp St — Slip Stitch

8.5” (22cm) long by 7” (18cm) wide