Dansen (The Dance) - Bohus Inspired by Annika Malmstrom-Bladini

Dansen (The Dance) - Bohus Inspired

January 1955
Light Fingering ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Chart only
English Swedish Universal

Dansen or The Dance is a pattern card recipe for a cardigan. This was designed by Bohus Designer Annika Malmstrom-Bladini some time between 1948-1955.

A photo of an original pattern card is on page 24 of Bohus Stickning på nytt The Revival. The pattern reference in the book describes the pattern as being made from angora yarn.The design uses 8 colours, including the main colour 96.

An image of the design is available to view from the Vanersborgs Museum Collection on https://digitaltmuseum.se/, under item reference 011025181330.

The image of the design in the museum’s collection suggests that the original design was for an inset yoke style.