Decorative Flower Balls by Kuema Tutorials

Decorative Flower Balls

May 2024
Sport (12 wpi) ?
2.40 in (6 cm) diameter can be customized
English German
This pattern is available from for €2.50.

Now discover my magical crocheted flower balls! With two different sizes and a mega-strong design, you can bring a breath of fresh air into your home. These stylish balls are perfect for using up leftovers and can be crocheted in one color or even colorful - just as you like! Give your room the ultimate kick by using them as modern table decorations or as cool window hangers. They are also an absolute hit as a gift for birthdays or weddings! And the best? You can easily adjust the size to make it exactly how you like it. Now get your crocheted flower balls and show off your style!

Skills Required / What You’ll Receive
Magic Ring, single crochets, slip stitches,
chain stitches, double crochets, half double crochets

Size Information
2.40 in (6 cm) diameter
can be customized

Materials List
Cotton Yarn:
2x 50 g for the flowers or leftover yarn of your choice
a few meters of green for the leafy green
Styrofoam ball 2.40 in (6 cm) diameter or
size of your choice (also possible without),
instructions for crocheted balls with the same diameter included in the guide
crochet hook US B (1); UK 14 (2 mm) or
US B (1); UK 12 (2,5 mm)
decorative pins or beads
sewing needle, scissors

Additional Details by the Author
translation is in US American

Copyright: by KuemaTutorials
No (Re-) Sale, Sharing, Copying or Publishing of the Pattern (incl. Translation or Changed Pattern), this incl. Publishing in the Internet.