Deep Water by Cat Thomas

Deep Water

February 2014
Sport (12 wpi) ?
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
61 yards (56 m)

Make waves with this pincushion, made of super soft merino gathered into pleats. This is a challenging technique that results in a double layer of fabric.

Tools and Materials:

Sport weight merino wool:

  • Dark blue, also used for the back: 25 yards (22.75m)
  • Mid blue: 9 yards (8.25m)
  • Aqua: 9 yards (8.25m)
  • Gray: 9 yards (8.25m)
  • Cream: 9 yards (8.25m)

Knitting needles: Three size 3 (3mm)

Stitch holder

Cotton batting