Diagonal Shell Baby Blanket by One Stop Wonders

Diagonal Shell Baby Blanket

May 2020
yarn held together
+ Aran
= Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
3 repeats = 4 inches
in 3 repeats by 6 rows = 5.1"
8.0 mm (L)
1004 - 2008 yards (918 - 1836 m)
29" by 25" (Customizable)
both US and UK
This pattern is available from etsy.com for C$4.00.

This crochet pattern contains everything needed to start your own Stash Busting Sideways Shell Baby Blanket. It crochets beautifully and is a thick and quick project as it uses two strands held together. If you’ve got that extra yarn just waiting for a pick-me-up this is the project for you! Which means your little ones will be extra cozy during those winter times.

You’ll easily be able to whip up a blanket in no time that measures roughly 29” by 25” before blocking. You can make it as long or as wide as you’d like once you get comfortable with this beautiful stitch.

The PDF contains a photo guide to help you get started and familiar with the stitches used for this blanket.


  • Beginner-friendly
  • Written in US and UK terms
  • US Term photo guide with how-to instructions
  • Chart/Diagram


  • 4-ply worsted weight yarn x2 skein per colour of choice.
  • 8mm hook or a hook to obtain gauge
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Scissors

Happy Crocheting!