Downton Abbey MKAL Jan 2014 Week 2 Charts by Jacqueline P. Jones

Downton Abbey MKAL Jan 2014 Week 2 Charts

January 2014
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I asked Kristen for permission to post the charts that I created based on the JBW Downton Abbey MKAL January 2014 pattern.

This is not the pattern itself which can be found on Jimmy Beans Wool blog.

The charts are downloadable free as a pdf because I found myself adding more and more information to go along with the charts.

These are the charts I created for myself to provide a visual image of what each prompt should look like from my perspective. They are by no means the only interpretation possible and many other great options are provided in the JBW group.

I have updated the charts for Prompt 1 and included them in version 2 which is now available for download.

The changes are to the legend of Prompt 1 charts 1 and 2 to remove any confusion between working “regular” slipped stitches on the RS rows and the YFpurlYB stitch worked on the wrong side rows.

I used Knit Visualizer program to create the charts.