Easy Knit Dusty Wrap Shawl With Toggle by Lorraine Hearn

Easy Knit Dusty Wrap Shawl With Toggle

US 17 - 12.0 mm
Length of shawl can be easily adjusted to suit
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is the perfect Beginner Knitter project. If you can do the Knit stitch (ie knit every row or garter stitch) then you can do this project. The project introduces very simple wrapping round needle technique. The fabric grows really quickly. You will need 5 balls of creative loopy for this project. Creative Loopy can be used in so many different ways and this is just another way you can use this yarn. Feel free to also check out my cobweb collection which shows another way this yarn can be used.

Remember its buy one pattern and choose another pattern of the same price or less free from my collection.

Make your purchase and then e mail me either through Ravelry or at lorraine.hearn1@btinternet.com with your free pattern choice and your free pattern will be e mailed over to you directly.

Happy Knitting.