Eco Knit Dragonfly Beret by Lorraine Hearn

Eco Knit Dragonfly Beret

US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Small, Meduim and Large
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Another Addition to the Dragonfly collection. This Beret is simple to make. The trim is easy and the dragonfly is optional.

The project takes only 1 skein of Malabrigo 100% Organic Cotton.

You can purchase this item as a single or in the pamplet. More dragonfly collection items in homefurnishings and garments and multi patterns coming soon

On pamplet sales you will receive 1 free single pattern of your choice from my collection.

Remember its buy one pattern choose another pattern of the same price or less free.

Happy Knitting