Either/Or by Lee Meredith


March 2012
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
60 - 230 yards (55 - 210 m)
custom fit
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD
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These are constructed in the round in any gauge, from the thumbs out, and come in 3 different versions: short fingerless, long fingerless, and full mittens.

They are made modularly, increases and decreases shaping them throughout, fit to your hand as you go - no short rows, very little casting on and no binding off, and no seaming when they’re finished. A fun quick knit which stays interesting every step of the way!

All versions can be made in any weight yarn. There are 2 different wrist designs as well - all garter stitch and garter edged. For the long fingerless mitts, you can make each side in each of the two patterns; for the other 2 versions, you can choose whichever stitch pattern you like best. In the long fingerless version, the hand and wrist sides are the same length, so they can be worn in either direction.