Extra Large Socks for Swollen Feet by Stacie Strickland

Extra Large Socks for Swollen Feet

August 2012
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
500 - 600 yards (457 - 549 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

UPDATE September 18, 2012 - another mistake has been found in the pattern in the toe section just before the kitchener stitch. You should have 20 stitches, 10 for instep and 5 on each heel needle instead of 15 as originally noted. I have updated the pattern to correct the error. If you downloaded it before today’s date, please update your pattern. My apologies for so many mistakes.

UPDATE September 17, 2012 - someone found a mistake in the pattern. I have updated the pattern to correct the math error mentioned below. If you downloaded it before today’s date, please update your pattern.

UPDATE September 16, 2012 - someone found a mistake in the pattern. I have copied the info here. I will make the correction and update the pattern soon. Please see below:

“I have noticed a math error in this pattern. after reducing the gusset you have the pattern taking an extra two decrease rounds. You say to continue till 72 stitches left, and they should be 16 on each gusset needle and 36 on the instep. This is only 68 stitches, it should be 18, 36, and 18 to have 72.”

This pattern is a combination of a basic sock coupled with the need to make socks for my uncle who has very swollen feet and legs. Using a lot of ribbing, 1 1/2 times the amount of yarn, and a needle size larger than I usually use for socks, these seemed to come out just right for him. You may need to tweak the pattern a bit to fit your needs.

I was a bad knitter and never checked the gauge. (YIKES!!!)

This pattern is worked from the cuff down on 4 double pointed needles.

The pdf consists of 6 pages. The first 4 have lots of description to help those that aren’t as familiar with sock construction. The last 2 are the “bare bones” version in case you don’t want all that chatter.

You may use this pattern to produce socks for yourself or gifts. You may also sell items you make from this pattern in single quantities. Please do not mass produce items from this pattern for sale. Please let me know if you find any mistakes in the pattern or if you have any questions.