Eyelet Spiral Counterpane by Vicki Monthei

Eyelet Spiral Counterpane

July 2023
Thread ?
9.5 stitches and 11.4 rows = 1 inch
in eyelet spiral pattern - blocked
US 2 - 2.75 mm
220 - 240 yards (201 - 219 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is my twist on an old favorite! The original Victorian pattern is attractive and simple. The stitch sequence is so predictable, you could make this motif as large or as small as you need! My version stops at 40 rounds before starting the welt corners. Half the rounds are just plain knit stitch.
The spiral section is usually blocked into an octagon, making it necessary to knit 2 more shapes to construct a rectangular afghan/counterpane. I wanted a more subtle corner treatment than the original, so I added 3-row welt corners. This makes the motifs 7” square and ready to sew without needing to knit any other shapes.
The first 5 rows of the pattern are knitted back and forth to have enough stitches to start working in the round comfortably. Any small gap left by this technique can be closed when weaving in the cast-on thread end. If preferred, work in the round from the start or use any technique comfortable to you to get started. Some find a crochet “magic loop” and a few rounds of single crochet very helpful for this.

Skills needed: long-tail cast on, slip, knit, purl, yarn over, k2tog, p2tog, SK2P (slip 1, k2tog, PSSO) and bind off in knit stitch.

Gauge is not important in this pattern. Any block-able yarn/thread will work. Make a swatch to check size and appearance.

220 yards of #10 crochet cotton thread will make about 1 doily in the stated gauge.