Fair & Square by Espace Tricot

Fair & Square

October 2016
DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches = 4 inches
in Stockinette BEFORE blocking
US 5 - 3.75 mm
1465 yards (1340 m)
One size but easily adjustable
English French
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Espace Tricot is a yarn store in Montreal, Canada. Discover our yarns here! www.espacetricot.com

Fair & Square is a happy little baby blanket knit in the round from the center out. The fun stripes provide an opportunity to play with colour and the transitional knit/purl row between each stripe lends lovely texture and dimension. Knit with Rowan Baby Merino Silk DK, a machine washable blend of merino wool and silk, this blanket is squishy and soft and easy to care for – a perfect choice for the little ones in your life. Our sample is a generous 41″ square but the blanket can be easily reduced by eliminating colours.


Due to the construction, the blanket needs to be wet blocked and stretched after finishing, which changes the gauge to about 4.5 sts/inch.

The first four colour stripes use up the whole ball of yarn. The following three have a bit left over. The border of the sample size used 3 balls of yarn.

Modification instructions for a 32” square are provided in the pattern.

Pattern has been updated! After Rows 1 and 2, it should say “Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 28 sts on each needle” (the original pattern said 29 sts). Apologies for the confusion!