Felted Stained Glass Fan Bag by Madeline Langan

Felted Stained Glass Fan Bag

This pattern is available from knittingdream.blogspot.com for $5.00.

There are two versions of the bag - one that is has multiple colors per fan and one that uses only one color per fan.

From Madeline Langan:

The “Felted Stained Glass Fan Bag” Version 1 was made with every fan being a different color. I used different skeins of Noro “Kureyon”.

When this bag dried after felting I held it up in the sunshine and put my face into the opening of the bag and it was like being inside of a kaleidoscope. I felt like I was in a genie’s bottle. I get lots of comments when I use this bag.

The “Felted Stained Glass Fan Bag” Version 2 is knit as the yarn comes off the skeins of Noro “Kureyon”. It is less work to knit the bag this way, but it still comes out beautiful. The bags can be knit with worsted weight wool too.