Festive Friends Baubles by Bilby & Ben

Festive Friends Baubles

This pattern is available for £4.50.


Each Christmas, our tree seems to collect more and more felted animals dressed for winter. So last year, I set myself the challenge of crocheting a set of baubles instead!

You can, of course, choose to make just the one individual character, but they were designed as a set and so are worked from the same base shape to give stylistic similarities. They really do look cute together, and make a wonderful gift for someone special too.

The pattern is worked in continuous rounds so you will need to use st markers to help you keep track of your st count. You’ll be working the body from the top down and then crocheting the arms and other features separately.

You’ll also need to be careful when changing colours with the penguin, reindeer and robin patterns that you don’t pull your yarn too tight!

When complete, your chonky characters should measure about 3” to 4” in height, depending on your chosen yarn, how tightly you crochet and which bauble you’re making.

Characters are arranged in order of difficulty so you’ll find the most beginner-friendly makes first and the more intermediate level patterns last. Each figure also has its own scarf design, but you can mix and match, just pick your favourite or even work up your own design.

However you choose to make your Christmas bauble crew uniquely yours, I hope you enjoy these patterns.

Happy crocheting!