Feuchainn by Connie Davis


Aran (8 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in seed stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
200 - 300 yards (183 - 274 m)
This pattern is available for $2.50 USD buy it now

Feuchainn is a Scottish Gaelic, verbal noun for ‘choose or choice’, to decide to act in a certain way. To pick out or attempt.
As our grandchildren grow & graduate, it is time for them to
choose what they want to do in life. This scarf is for them.**

The paths they choose often cross over other choices they have made, sometimes in good ways, sometimes not so good; but they continue to make their way. All along, we are there, for them, that place of strength (the side cable), steadfast & encouraging, as they make their way. Far enough away to give them space, close enough to help if needed. Just as with our own children. The design of this scarf, depicts that journey into adulthood.

To make for smaller children or babies, switch out your yarn for a lighter weight & downsize your needles. This will give you a narrower version, just right for the wee ones.

Thank you for knitting this JoyfrogScruggles pattern, praying you enjoyed the journey!! After blocking it is ready to wear warding off those chilly winds, or wrap-up for a toasty gift to a favorite person.


Please take time to make a project page & share you photos with us? Have an amazing day!!☺