Fine Lace Framed Shawl by Heirloom Knitting

Fine Lace Framed Shawl

May 2006
Cobweb ?
28 stitches and 56 rows = 4 inches
US 2 - 2.75 mm
72" (180cm) square, blocked

Pattern Description from Heirloom Knitting: “The following information is for experienced knitters interested in design. While studying Shetland lace shawls in museums, I noticed that some of them had centre patters that were attractively ‘framed’ with repeat motifs… With a little careful forethough and planning out on squared paper before knitting, this effective detail is possible for knitters to reproduce their own designs.”

Materials: This shawl was to be with 1 ply Shetland Cobweb wool (17 x 1/2 oz 14g) and a British size 12 (2.75mm) circular needle.

Sharon Miller uses this shawl to describe how to design your own Fine Lace Framed Shawl. She describes this process on pages 216-219 so that you may replicate the one she made or design your own.

A photo of this shawl may be found on page 215. The centre chart patterns may be found on page 218 and border close-up photo with charts on pages 160-162