Fourth Doctor Scarf by RoKa Designs

Fourth Doctor Scarf

July 2018
both are used in this pattern
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
4 stitches and 4 rows = 1 inch
5.0 mm (H)
500 - 525 yards (457 - 480 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is for a fan-made almost 11’ (130”) long scarf reminiscent of Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who. The larger color blocks can be lengthened for an extra long version, about 12.3’ (148”) long. Of course, you can stop whenever the scarf is as long as you want it.

  • Single crochet through both loops
  • H hook (5.00 mm)
  • 18 stitches wide (about 4.5”)
  • 4 sc st and 4 rows in 1” square

Since 7 yarns are being used, I do NOT recommend carrying the yarn; the best option seems to be to just tightly knot the yarn ends together and tuck them in.
I have created this pattern with the inspiration from several patterns that other people have made, so whoever you are out there on the internet, thank you. Also I recommend checking out before you start crocheting.

I have seen several different suggestions for which colors to use in which brands, but the best thing to do is go on the site and use their guide. These cotton yarns are pretty close to the colors needed:

  • Brown: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux cloves x2 skeins
  • Gold: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux gold x1 skein
  • Gray: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux rustic grey x1 skein
  • Green: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux olive x2 skeins
  • Purple: Lily Sugar’n Cream black current x1 skein
  • Red: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux paprika x1 skein
  • Tan: Lily Sugar’n Cream jute x2 skeins (the longer version may need 3 skeins)