Fragilità by Maria Zilakou


November 2018
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
not important
US 7 - 4.5 mm
780 - 820 yards (713 - 750 m)
one, adjustable
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

One year after its release as part of an exclusive “kit”, Fragilità is now ready to go out and meet all the wonderful knitters of the world, as an individual pattern, at a special price, too! You can purchase the pattern at a 50% discount and the offer is valid for 3 days, that is until November 4 (included), 23.59 (Athens, Greece Time Zone) NO COUPON CODE NEEDED. Enjoy!

This pattern belongs to the series of “Le emozioni che nessuno vuole” (the emotions nobody wants). Sara Sol had this wonderful idea, to create special colorways for these “negative” emotions, these feelings we do our best to avoid. We know we can’t. Life is that way; so, we better deal with them, understand why they are there, embrace our reality and keep on living. When Sara sent me photos of the colorways, I didn’t know which was which. I instinctively chose to work with “fragilità” which is the Italian word for “frailty”. My family and I had just gone through the illness and loss of my mother and the coincidence was astonishing. My mother had been really frail dur-ing the last year of her life, as she had experi-enced deception and emotional stress; I had gone through this with her and I can tell you, she as-sumed every bit of it and rose to the situation in an admirable way. She showed me the path to-wards strength: face your reality, embrace it, don’t go away. You are resilient, you can do it. This pattern is dedicated to her loving memory and I am thankful to Sara for including me in this adventure. A few words about the shawl This is a stole, a very simple wrap, that you will find quite easy to knit. It starts as a rectangle but ends up in a trapeze shape. It includes two “chevron” stitch patterns and one easy lace mo-tif. Pattern repeats and changes of colorways do all the work for you; the i-cord along each of the two side edges means you will weave in the yarn tails in a few minutes. If you feel you need a long-er shawl, you just work more row repeats. If you want a larger shawl, you just add a number of stitches multiple of 12. Happy Knitting!