Framed Cables by Rosemary Taylor

Framed Cables

no longer available from 1 source show
Sport (12 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
4.5 mm
191 - 437 yards (175 - 400 m)
Baby, Child, Teen(Adult small), Adult Med, Adult Large
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Stylish and unisex, this Framed Cables beanie with turn back brim is a timeless classic.

The pattern gives instructions for using both 4ply (Drops Baby Merino) and DK yarns (Drops Extrafine Merino)

Five sizes are covered: Baby, Child, Adult Small, Medium and Large.
(and instructions on how to adjust if you wanted something outside of the standard sizes)

This is another design in the Hat for a Star range. All profits from pattern sales and sales of hats are donated to the Beatson Cancer Charity in Glasgow (see facebook page @hatforastar)

Thank you for your kindness in supporting me. I’m always happy to help with anything you might need to make great hats! If you can find folks who want to buy them….sell as many as you can - but please comply with copyright notice in the pattern.