Freavnantjahke mittens - Frøyningsfjellvotten by Sophie Victoria

Freavnantjahke mittens - Frøyningsfjellvotten

June 2021
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
English Additional languages which are not in the download: Norwegian, Universal
This pattern is available for kr.65.00 NOK buy it now

Denne votten viser den vakre sørsamiske ornamentikken. Hovedmotivet er Raedien aehtjie, den høyeste guden, som ble tegnet på folldalstromma for flere hundre år siden. Tommelen prydes av sønnen Raedien baernie og kona Raedien aahka. På innsiden finner man også Saaraahka, Joksaahka og Oksaahka, som var viktige hverdagsguder.

Du trenger én nøste hver av hoved- og bunnfargen, og litt garn i kostrasterende farger.

The main motiv shows Radien Aehtjie, the highest god in medieval Saami religion. On the thumb, there are Raedien Baernie, his son, and Raedien Aahka, his wife. On the wrist inside there are the three household goddesses Joksaahka, Saaraahka, and Oksaahka. Joksaahka has the bow and lives in the holy door in the back of the house or tent. Saaraahka is the protector of the unborn, she lives in the fireplace. Oksaahka lives under the door and makes sure nothing evil enters the house. In pre-christian days, people would make small sacrifices to them, like a bit of food or drink. The figures stem from a shaman drum that was taken from Bendik Andersen at Freavnantjahke (Høylandet) in the 1700s, where the missionaries confiscated it. It is now on exhibition in a Museum in Germany. bendik Andersen explained the figures with christian symbolism.
The weaving pattern on the grip is common in wood and horn engravings, and the cross in the front is common in pewter- and bead embroidery. The colours are traditional to the folk dresses, which are blue with green and red stripes. There are no traditions for knitted mittens in the South Saami area, so I used a traditional Lule/North Saami shape for the mitten. They often have a long thread with tassels, so you can knot them together for storage, or easily hang them up for drying. The North and Lule Saami braid those threads, but I decided to twine them like you would do with sinew sewing thread.