French Bulldog Puppy by Anna Sytnikova

French Bulldog Puppy

April 2023
Sport (12 wpi) ?
This is amigurumi toy, so it doesn't require gauge
1.75 mm
180 - 300 yards (165 - 274 m)
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

The pattern for adorable Frenchie is in English, using US crochet terminology. The PDF file consists of 8 pages and has a lot of helpful photos. It is not very difficult, for advanced beginner.
Size of a French Bulldog using required materials is about 7 inches from its nose to the tail.

You may sell the oys made by this pattern.

Do not copy, resell or share the pattern or its parts.

Yarn - I used Alize Cotton Gold (1 scein 361yds - 3.53 Oz) (you will need less then 1 skein of each color): white, beige, black
Hook - 1.75 mm
Safety eyes: pair of 13 mm
Stitch marker
Hollowfibre stuffing

mc - magic circle (or magic ring)
rnd - round
sc - single crochet
inc - increase
dec - decrease
FLO - front loops only
hdc - half double crochet
st - stitch
sts - stitches
- work instructions within the brackets as many times as directed
sl st - slip stitch