Fun Fur Pom Pom by Dee Dee

Fun Fur Pom Pom

by Dee Dee
December 2017
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
gauge is adjustable to suit the chosen yarn.
This pattern is available for £1.50 GBP buy it now

Everywhere I go people ask how I make my crochet pompoms and even more people ask how I light them up.
So… here are the instructions.
Light up your life with with these Super fun and lightweight Fun Fur PomPoms, which can be made in a variety of sizes.

The stitch used is puff stitch, which makes the most of fun fur / tinsel yarns.
Gauge is dependent on the yarn chosen for your project.

© 2017, Designed by Dee Dee, All Rights Reserved.
This design, pattern, and the images are property Dee Dee Designs. Sales of finished items are permitted. No part of this document may be reproduced, altered, or distributed in any form, or by any means.