Fuzzy Heart Scrubby by Sun Bear Designs

Fuzzy Heart Scrubby

January 2024
yarn held together
+ DK
= Bulky (7 wpi) ?
4 stitches and 1 row = 1 inch
US 9 - 5.5 mm
One size
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

It’s January, time to sit by the fire and knit up some warm hearts for Valentine’s Day. These cute scrubbies knit up super fast, they make great gifts, and they give off a little razzle-dazzle vibe in the kitchen.

I love garter stitch! There are no fancy stitches and no complicated turns (there is an uncomplicated turn). It’s hard to knit up a cute heart, but using this loopy polyester fiber covers up lots of shaping issues.

Knit this holding two strands together - 100% polyester (for the scrubby part) and 100% cotton yarn, sometimes called “kitchen cotton.” The color combos you can use are endless, and the yarn is inexpensive or just use scrap yarn.