Giein' by Connie Davis


no longer available from 1 source show
April 2011
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
350 - 400 yards (320 - 366 m)
ladies, adjust length for foot
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Pattern currently unavailable as it is having charts added, also going to include both top-down & toe-up versions. Will be back soon

This special pair of socks, so symbolic of the women I know. Giein’ (Scottish for giving) is what they do, without a second thought.


Cables on the side, for strength, lifting each other in one way or another.

That strength that is grace under pressure.

Hearts, side by side, show compassion & love for family & friends.

The top is enhanced with checkerboard, representing our minds, always on the move.

♥ Finished with a little bit of lace, top & bottom, for that girly part in all of us, that peeks out on occasion. ♥

Top pair test knit by me in Risata
Thank you Marilyn G. for the blue socks, test knit picture. ;O)