Girl's Silk Jumper by The Australian Woman's Mirror

Girl's Silk Jumper

December 1924
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 7 - 4.5 mm
656 yards (600 m)
One size only - to fit a 12-year-old
This pattern is available for free.

This effective but simple-to-work jumper is quickly and easily made. It is knitted in one piece in garter stitch with a pretty fancy border on sleeves and at lower edge.

The required materials are: 2 hanks of cable artificial knitting silk, 2 bone knitting needles No. 7, crochet hook size 1, 4 button moulds 1-inch across top.

The measurements are: Shoulder to lower edge, 22 inches; round lower edge, 35 inches; sleeve at under-arm, including fancy edging, 8 inches; side-seam, 16 inches; depth of fancy border at lower edge, 3 inches.