Goin' Fishin' ~ A Crochet Learning Game by Paula Gaumer Tooke

Goin' Fishin' ~ A Crochet Learning Game

no longer available from 1 source show
June 2010
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Goin’ Fishin’ is a crocheted learning game (colors, counting, adding, subtraction,like/different, small/large.) These are just the ones that come into my head after people have asked what games they could be used for.

I like to include Dr. Seuss’ 1 Fish, 2 Fish book with it when I give it to a child.

This is a GREAT WAY to use up SCRAPS ! ! ! ! ! The hook size should be on e that you feel comfortable with. Gauge and Yardage are not important.

Sample shown with these Vanna’s Choice Colors:
Red ~ Scarlett
Orange ~ Terracotta
Yellow ~ Duckie (in Vanna’s Baby Yarns)
Green ~ Fern Green
Blue ~ Sapphire
Violet ~ Wildberry or Eggplant