Gradient Mosaic Shawl by Marci Marra

Gradient Mosaic Shawl

April 2024
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
26 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
US 4 - 3.5 mm
460 yards (421 m)
53" / 132.5 cm long by 31" / 77.5 cm deep
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

This asymmetric shawl pattern offers a captivating journey through gradient hues, transforming from light to dark in a seamless transition that captivates the eye.

Beginning with a foundation of comforting garter stitch, the shawl employs a series of five mini skeins, each representing a unique shade within the gradient spectrum. As you knit, revel in the gentle flow of color, each stitch a testament to the beauty of seamless transition.

As the gradient evolves, so too does the complexity of the pattern. Transitioning effortlessly from the soothing garter stitch, the design gradually introduces the mosaic stitch pattern. This elegant technique weaves a tapestry of contrasting colors, forming intricate motifs that dance across the fabric.

What sets this shawl apart is its asymmetrical allure. The interplay of light and shadow, crafted through the gradient yarn and mosaic stitch, creates a dynamic visual narrative that is both striking and contemporary.

Whether draped casually over the shoulders or wrapped snugly around the neck, the Gradient Mosaic Shawl promises to be a cherished accessory, blending artistry and warmth in perfect harmony. Discover the joy of knitting as you embark on this enchanting journey of color and texture.