Grandma's Beginner Scarf by Charlotte Luxhøj

Grandma's Beginner Scarf

December 2020
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
US 11 - 8.0 mm
This pattern is available for free.

What you need:

Techniques you need to know for this scarf is:

• To cast on stitches.

• Garter stitch.

• Cast off stitches.

• Weave in ends.

Yarn: Use what you’ve got + appropriate needles to that particular yarn. (It’s stated on the yarn’s label).

My recommendation is to use 1-2 skeins of The Petite Wool by We Are Knitters in your preferred color. (Depending on how long you’d like the scarf. And whether it’s for you or your dog, kid, partner…) Use my discount code MGMB9YDM4 at for 100 SEK/10 pounds sterling off your next order.

I’ve used Mini-Alpakka by Sandnes on 2,5 mm needles in the picture. However, for a beginner knitter, I’d recommend a thicker yarn + bigger needles. It’ll give you a quicker win, and there’s nothing like the feeling of seeing your project grow in front of you.

Needles: If you’re using The Petite Wool, use a size 8 needles.

This scarf is knitted in garter stitch.

If you need help, search the web for knitting tutorials. There are a lot of good ones.

For now, don’t worry too much about doing a swatch – that is - testing the gauge.

This project is about simply getting you started.

Start knitting:

  1. Cast on 28 stitches on one of the needles.

  2. Work rows in garter stitch. Knit till you feel you’ve got a scarf long enough to suit your fancy.

  3. Cast off all the stitches.

  4. Weave in ends.

  5. Way to go! Go celebrate!

And remember to enjoy the process!

By the way, I can’t wait to see what you are creating!

With love, yarn and warm cocoa,
Charlotte Luxhøj

PS: Please do tag me on Instagram (if you decide to knit this little project up). I’m at @the_yarn_diaries. I’d love to see.
Also, if you post your scarf on Instagram, do use the tag #grandmascarftyd – that way I can see your creation(s).