Granny Ripple Blanket by Sarah-Jayne Fragola

Granny Ripple Blanket

April 2021
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available for free.

Combine the timeless charm of the granny stitch with the soothing waves of the ripple stitch to create the stunning granny ripple. This beautiful stitch pattern creates a delightful blend of texture and colour that’s perfect for blankets, pillows, and more. With its easy-to-follow repeat pattern, the granny ripple is a fun and satisfying project for crocheters of all levels. So why not make a splash and create your own gorgeous granny ripple today?

Free pattern can be found at

Pattern written in UK terms

Crochet skills needed:

Chain (ch): Yarn over, pull through one loop on hook

Treble Crochet (tr): Yarn over and insert your hook into the chain or stitch, yarn over and pull through (you will have three loops on the hook) yarn over and pull through two loops (you will have two loops on your hook) yarn over and pull the yarn through both of the remaining loops on the hook

Slip Stitch(s): ss(s): Insert hook, yarn over pull through stitch and loop on hook

Stitch(es) (st(s))