Granny Square Flower Power Blanket by U Knit Me 2

Granny Square Flower Power Blanket

April 2014
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
Blanket: 43.3 x 34.6" (110 x 88 cm)
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

Blanket Granny Square 3D Flower Power crochet pattern

This glamours blanket made of 20 floral granny squares is perfect to decor an elegance room using these colors…
Try more fresh combination for a teen or pastels for babies, very easy, more than you can imagine, learn with this photo tutorial how to make it!

PDF Include :
_Text instructions in American Standard Terms
_Plenty of PHOTOS for the entire granny and how to sew the squares.
_ Permission to sell finished item while you add a link to my pinterest @conpasionDIY

_Acrylic DK light weight n.3 yarn: each square use 5 colors: pink, red and orange: 10 grams of each. lilac: 40 grams. purple: 20 grams.
_Crochet Hook 3.50 mm

Size: Granny Square: 8.7” (22 cm) square.
Blanket 43.3 x 34.6” (110 x 88 cm) width x length , and is composed of 20 squares

-Slip ring (magic ring)
-Slip stitch
-Single crochet
-Double crochet

This item can be sell online, publish in any social media or site, the only requirement is to add in the item description the proper credits for my design.
©UknitMe2 2011 DO NOT COPY, reproduce, distribute this pattern/idea/design/tutorial.