Groovy Grannies Cap by Bernat Design Studio

Groovy Grannies Cap

no longer available from other sources show
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
815 yards (745 m)
One size to fit average Lady

Note: Yardage listed above is the total of 1 ball each of 5 colors. Only a portion of each ball will actually be needed.

Yarn Requirements:

  • Main Color (MC): 1 ball Black (pink version) or Dark Blue (blue version)
  • Contrast A: 1 ball Purple (pink version) or Light Blue (blue version)
  • Contrast B: 1 ball Pink (pink version) or Aqua (blue version)
  • Contrast C: 1 ball Red (pink version) or Green (blue version)
  • Contrast D: 1 ball Yellow (pink version) or Blue (blue version)

Gauge: One Motif = 3-1/2 in. (9 cm) square.