Hat Trimmed With Oriental Silk Crochet No. 367 by Corticelli

Hat Trimmed With Oriental Silk Crochet No. 367

January 1917
Corticelli Crochet and Knitting Silk
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

This pattern is for a net trimming on the crown for a wide brimmed hat.

From the pattern:
“A novel and attractive trimming for a wide rim hat is of Corticelli Crochet and Knitting Silk in variegated colors, black, blue, green, red, white, etc. The effect is of oriental lace net, which is draped over the crown and the ends finished of heavy tassels of the silk caught into jade rings. The hat is a light olive green soft straw and the rim is stenciled with a design to match the silk in color. The same trimming could be effectively used on a felt hat.”

No gauge is given.

No measurements are given.

The pattern is found on page 42 of the PDF.

The pattern also calls for a hat and three jade rings.