Hatched Hat by Aunt Zany

Hatched Hat

January 2022
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
164 - 288 yards (150 - 263 m)
Adult Medium and Large
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is a “choose your own adventure” hat pattern. I have specified a mosaic pattern to use for the body of the hat which can be worked in either positive or negative colorways, and have offered two options to choose between for both the crown and hatband.

The hat is worked from the bottom-up, in joined rounds, beginning with the Tunisian mosaic pattern. The mosaic pattern is both charted and written out, and the charts include both the positive and negative colorways for easy reference. Crown decreases are worked either in continuous Tunisian rounds, or with linked regular crochet stitches. The hatband is added as “afterthought”, also with two options, either a simple, narrow twisted-single crochet trim, or a slip-stitch crochet rib.

Detailed instructions and picture tutorials are included for special stitches, so please do not be intimidated if you aren’t already familiar with these stitches or methods.

I have not specified yarn weight, hook size or gauge because I have designed this hat to work with whatever yarn you have, or make any size hat. You will need to swatch if you want to make a hat in other weights or sizes than I have already sampled. A guide and starting point for choosing yarn weight, hook size and hat size:

° Fingering weight (slouchy, ribbed hatband)

288 yd total, 169 yd light color, 119 yd dark color
° Gauge: w/ #7 (4.5mm) hook, 20 sts/rows = 4” in 6-Stitch Hatch pattern

° Adult Medium (22” hat circumference): CO 114; Body = 41 rnds (5 repeats + 1 rnd), Crown = 4 rnds, Ribbing = 1”, height = 10-1/2”

° Worsted weight (fitted, 1-round simple edge trim)
194 yd total, 116 yd light color, 78 yd dark color 

° Gauge: w/ J (6mm) hook, 16 sts/rows = 4” in 6-Stitch Hatch pattern 

° Adult Large (23” hat circumference): CO 90; Body rnds = 29 (3 repeats + 5 rnds), Crown = 4 rnds, Trim = 1 rnd, height = 9-1/2”

This charity hat pattern was developed specifically for the “Hats for Sailors” group. If you download this pattern, please make at least one hat as a gift for your favorite charity or special loved one in “payment” for my design. I hope you enjoy the project!

I would be delighted to see the hat(s) you’ve made from these patterns, and please share any feedback or corrections you might have to the pattern.