He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Sandy Terp

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Sandy Terp's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
September 2016
Light Fingering ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
380 - 400 yards (347 - 366 m)
This pattern is available for $1.00 USD
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This is a fischou shawlette variation that can be worn as a scarf or draped over the shoulders and pinned at the front. The crescent shape has a little gathering at the back of the neck. It starts at one end with a few stitches that include the lace section. The increases are made in a garter stitch section to a width of about 8 inches and then the project is worked straight, (except for the short row gathers), to the other side where it decreases back to the starting size. The length is about 56”.

The lace is a daisy pattern and I thought that the edge looked like the dropped petals, thus the name. I used a red sock yarn from Malabrigo and a size 4 needle. The directions are given in both repeats and in inches so you could use any fingering or lace weight yarn, with appropriate needle size. It is knit back and forth.