Hexipuff Charts: Assorted by Jennifer Fabian

Hexipuff Charts: Assorted

February 2012
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

An assorted collection of little duplicate stitch charts for your Bee Keeper’s Quilt, or anything else tiny you wish to embroider!


  • queen bee

  • acorn

  • two types of teapots: Japanese & British

  • cottage with a tiled roof

  • strawberry

  • tips on how to use these charts

Skills required: duplicate stitching

The pdf file is 1 page and 459 kb in size. If you have any questions about these charts in particular, feel free to email me: design@strangehours.com or contact me here on Ravelry! (If you want to learn more about duplicate stitching in general, there are loads of tutorials out there who will probably explain it better than me.)

This pattern (including text & images) is a Strange Hours design, © 2013. It is for personal use only.