Highland Worsted Embroidered Cardigan by Patricia Marks

Highland Worsted Embroidered Cardigan

July 1981
both are used in this pattern
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
4.0 mm (G)
6-8, 10-12, 14-16


  • Bust size 31.5” (34”, 38”); 80 (87, 97) cm
  • Knitted measurements: bust (including edgings) 34” (37”, 40”); 86 (94, 101.5) cm


  • 4 (4, 5) balls of Highland Worsted
  • 1 ball each of 6 colors of Shetland de Sport for embroidery

Gauge: 9 stitches = 2”/5 cm; 6 rows = 1”/2.5 cm

Additional materials:

  • cable needle
  • light-weight lining fabric for embroidery panel reinforcement
  • 8 half-inch buttons

This close-fitting cardigan has a plain stockinette back. The fronts and sleeves are cabled and embroidered. Drawings are provided for the embroidery design. There is a crocheted edging and button band.

You may see a picture of the sweater on the front of the leaflet on the source page.