His & Hers Fingerless Gloves (Adult & Child Sizes) by Phebe Durand

His & Hers Fingerless Gloves (Adult & Child Sizes)

June 2007
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
5.0 mm (H)
All Sizes - Child, Teen, Adult
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

These two patterns will create fingerless gloves for the whole family - male and female, adult and child. All that changes is the size of hook you use, making the quick patterns even easier to follow. “His” gloves are thick, with strong lines that won’t make him feel like you’re trying to put something girly on him. “Her” gloves are all about being girly, with open fans running up the length of the glove and a finger loop that works right into the edging.

You can complete a full set of these gloves using your scrap yarn - they take less than 2 ounces per glove - and they won’t take more than an hour to create. Can we hear “gifting” in the future?