Honey Jacket for small dogs by Knitted by Luna

Honey Jacket for small dogs

September 2024
DK (11 wpi) ?
20 repeats = 4 inches
in garter
US 6 - 4.0 mm
4.0 mm (G)
109 - 120 yards (100 - 110 m)
Small dog, two lengts available
Danish English
This pattern is available for kr.45.00 DKK
buy it now or visit pattern website

The jacket is knitted flat in a garter stitch, which is seamed along the chest. Ribbing is working around the front legs and neck. Around the back is worked either a folded edge or a crochet border.. The Honey Jacket will fit most small dogs of about 3-5 kg, eg. miniature poodles, chihuahuas, shi tzus, etc.

You will need:

  • 100-150 g of yarn in your chosen colours. (eg. Filcolana Peruvian or DROPS Daisy).
  • Knitting needle 4 mm needles (optionally 4 mm crochet hook). Measurements: ~ 40 (40) cm circumference and 40 (45) cm long.


The Honey Jacket is named after my sisters’ one-eyed dog, Honey.

The jacket is knitted flat in garter stitch, meaning you knit all stitches on both the right and the wrong side of your work. You will bind off stitches for the front legs along the way, before seaming the jacket along the chest to close it up. Stitches are picked up around the front legs and neck to create the ribbing. Then an edge of stockinette is worked around the body, folded over the knit edge, and attached to create the sturdy finishing.
The Honey Jacket will fit most small dogs of about 3-5 kg, eg. miniature poodles, chihuahuas, shi tzus, etc.

Read through the entire pattern before you start to get a good overview of the different steps <3


The jacket comes in two lengths, depending on your dog’s body: 1 (2).
Longest part: approximately 40 (45) cm.
Circumference around the chest: approximately 40 (40) cm.
Garter stitch is very forgiving in terms of size, so there will be plenty of room for your dog to move freely.


Knitting needles 4 mm.
Optionally a 4 mm crochet hook for finishing the edge around the body.
Gauge in garter stitch with 4 mm needles:
20 stitches = 10 cm


Increases: Make a yarn over on the right needle and knit the yarn over through the back loop on the next row.
Decreases: Knit 2 stitches together.


I used 6 colors (yellow-orange, white, 2 kinds of brown, red, and blue) in various yarn scraps of approximately the same thickness. Try to find a handful of colors and lay them out next to each other before you start - as long as the number of rows and stitches are maintained, your dog will stay warm. This project is perfect for even small scraps, but it can also be knit in a single color or with occasional stripes here and there. Be creative and experiment! Yarn example: DROPS Daisy, Sandnes Double Sunday, or Filcolana Peruvian - but I encourage you to try with different yarn scraps you already have <3
I used about 130 g of yarn for the jacket, including ribbing and the folded edge. This will vary depending on your yarn choice.


Jakken strikkes fladt i rillestrik og med ribkanter om hals og forben. Om ryggen strikkes enten en ombukket kant eller en simpel hæklet kant. Den passer til de fleste små hunde på ca. 3-5 kg, eks. dværgpuddel, chihuahua, shi tzu, osv. 

Du skal bruge:

  • I alt ca. 100-150 gram garn i dine udvalgte farver. (ex. Filcolana Peruvian eller DROPS Daisy).
  • Strikkepind 4 mm (evt. 4 mm hæklenål).
  • Mål: Ca. 40 (40) cm i omkreds og ca. 40 (45) cm lang.


Jakken strikkes fladt i rillestrik frem og tilbage - altså med retstrik på både ret- og vrangsiden. Der aflukkes til forben løbende, hvorefter arbejdet syes sammen på maven. Der samles op i hullerne til forben, som får en ribkant - det samme i halsåbningen. Rundt om ryggen/enden samles masker op og der strikkes en ombukket kant om opslagskanten.
Honey jakken passer til de fleste små hunde; dværgpuddel, chihuahua, shi tzu, evt. hvalpe af større hunde :)

Læs hele opskriften igennem inden du går i gang, så du får et godt overblik over de forskellige trin <3


Jakken kan strikkes i to længder, altefter din hunds krop: 1 (2).
Længde over det længste stykke: ca. 40 (45) cm.
Omkreds om bryst: ca. 40 (40) cm.
Rillestrik er meget tilgivende i forhold til størrelse, så der er god plads til, at hunden kan bevæge sig ubesværet.


Evt. 4 mm hæklenål
Strikkepind 4 mm
Strikkefasthed i rillestrik på p 4 mm:
20 m = 10 cm


udtagninger: Lav et løkkeomslag om højre pind og strik omslaget drejet ret på næste pind.
indtagninger: Strik 2 m ret sammen.


Jeg har brugt 6 farver (gul-orange, hvid, 2 slags brun, rød og blå) i forskellige garnrester af nogenlunde samme tykkelse. Prøv at finde en håndfuld farver og læg dem op ved siden af hinanden, inden du går i gang - så længe antallet af pinde og masker overholdes nogenlunde, skal din hund nok få en dejlig jakke at holde varmen i. Projektet er perfekt til selv små rester, men kan også strikkes ensfarvet eller med enkelte striber her og der. Vær kreativ og prøv dig frem!
Et godt udgangspunkt for garnvalg er eks. DROPS Daisy, Sandnes Double Sunday eller Filcolana Peruvian - jeg opfordrer til at prøve med forskellige garn-rester, du allerede har <3

I alt er brugt ca. 130 g garn til jakken, inkl kanter. Dette vil variere, alt efter dit garnvalg.