Ikurriñak by Ardilanak


no longer available from 1 source show
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
22 - 87 yards (20 - 80 m)
English Spanish
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Banners are festive any time, this is a standard pattern, you can customize them as much as you need, adapt to the festivity, use them as decoration, use scraps, buy beautiful yarn to knit them… you can make them bigger, smaller, as many as you want, embroider them, pin a little photo or memento, do what you want!

Los banderines son festivos en cualquier circunstancia, por eso este es un patron que puedes personalizar todo lo que quieras y adaptarlo a la festividad, utilizarlo como decoración, utilizer restos o comprar una lana bonita… puedes hacerlos más granes, más pequeños, tantos como quieras, brodarlos, engancharles una foto o recuerdo… ¡lo que te apetezca!