Ipad case by The Sewing Box

Ipad case

January 2016
1 white skein of Merino Classic
1 black skein of Merino Classic
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
One size
This pattern is available from thesewingboxmag.com for €5.50.

The crochet hook can perform a variety of stitches, but by properly mixing colours you can immitate different patterns, as in this case, houndstooth.

This case has a measurement of 19 cm wide and 25 cm high. We will work with two strands at a time to make the pattern; when it changes colour finish with the next stitch, this way we make sure that it matches the
previous row. That is, you are crocheting in white and the next stitch is black; before finishing the last white stitch, pick up the black thread and finish with that colour.