Jasmine Kitchen Glove by Aell

Jasmine Kitchen Glove

by Aell
January 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
7 repeats = 4 inches
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available for free.

자스민 주방장갑은 자스민 스티치를 이용해 장갑전체에 자스민 무늬가 들어간 두툼한 장갑입니다. 따로 자스민 스티치를 익히신 후 떠보시기 바랍니다.

실별 사이즈
리틀모찌(3볼/약 180g) : 가로 10cm, 세로 16cm
코나(4볼/약 260g) : 가로 10.5cm, 세로 18cm
클라우드(4볼/약 300g) : 가로 10.5cm, 세로 17cm

The jasmine kitchen glove is a thick glove knitted with jasmine stitch throughout it . Please, try it after practicing jasmine stitches in advance.

Finished size by yarn type
These are fabric yarns in the form of acrylic filled i-cord tube.
Little Mochi(3ball/approximately 180g) : width 10cm, height 16cm
KONA(4ball/approximately 260g) : width 10.5cm, height 18cm
Cloud(4ball/approximately 300g) : width 10.5cm, height 16cm

The English version will be added later.

도안 상세정보 : https://blog.naver.com/gardennew/221440271457